
Thursday, January 19, 2012


Kabar buruk bagi para downloader

SOPA/PIPA Telah memblockir situs2 download, dan berencana menutup situs2 ilegal seperti manga online, anime online dsb,

Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) alias rancangan Undang-undang Anti Pembajakan Online di Amerika Serikat kini tengah menjadi buah bibir. Masih sulit memahami bagaimana UU tersebut bekerja nantinya? Coba simak video animasi ini.

Secara umum, SOPA nantinya memungkinkan pemerintah AS dan perusahaan pemegang hak cipta untuk menghadang situs-situs yang dianggap melakukan pelanggaran, pembajakan atau pemalsuan kekayaan intelektual.

Contohnya, jika ada website yang dituding memiliki konten ilegal yang melanggar hak cipta (termasuk di antaranya lagu, gambar, video klip, dan lainnya), maka situs tersebut dapat diblokir oleh ISP di AS, tak dicantumkan dari mesin pencarian, dan bahkan dihadang untuk menjalankan bisnis online dengan penyedia jasa pembayaran seperti PayPal.

Tak pelak sejumlah raksasa internet seperti Google, WordPress, WikiPedia, hingga Twitter menentang keberadaan aturan yang masih dalam tahap legislasi tersebut.

Sebab jika SOPA diimplementasikan, maka sederet video tak berizin dari pemegang hak cipta di YouTube harus diturunkan paksa, jika tak mau berurusan di pengadilan. Begitu pula yang terjadi di Wikipedia dan situs-situs lainnya.

Aturan ini memang memiliki 'jiwa' yang patut diapresiasi, sebab ingin menekan angka pembajakan konten. Namun sisi lainnya adalah penyebaran informasi dan pengetahuan juga akan dikorbankan.

Dampak SOPA Dan PIPA bagi indonesia
Rancangan Undang-undang Anti Pembajakan Online atau yang lebih dikenal Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) boleh saja tengah digodok di Amerika Serikat. Hanya saja efek implementasinya tak cuma untuk negara adidaya itu. Negara lain pun bisa kena getahnya, termasuk Indonesia.

Menurut Aktivis Freedom of Expression, Donny BU, imbas implementasi SOPA yang paling dekat adalah bakal terkekangnya free knowledge. Dimana konten-konten yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk memintarkan orang bisa lenyap.

Sebut saja seperti konten yang ada di ensiklopedia online Wikipedia, video-video tutorial di YouTube, hingga bocoran informasi rahasia di WikiLeaks.

"Karena kontennya dianggap ilegal, jadi diblokir. Mesti aturan itu terjadi di AS, namun kan kontennya networked," katanya.

"Di Indonesia kan banyak orang yang punya channel di AS. Kalau ada orang Indonesia yang berkuasa dan boroknya dibuka di internet, dia tinggal lobi kawannya di AS, situsnya bisa di-take down," lanjut Donny.

Contoh lain yang juga dijabarkan penggiat Internet Sehat dari ICT Watch ini adalah ketika kita coba untuk memproduksi konten, lalu mau di-upload ke YouTube, WordPress, Wikipedia dan lainnya. Nah, dengan adanya SOPA -- mau tidak mau -- mereka harus pre-screened.

"Harus dilihat dulu ini melanggar hak cipta tidak? Jadinya ribet dan lama untuk penyebaran informasinya. Ya positifnya, kita memang harus memberdayakan konten lokal, layanan lokal, dan trafik lokal," imbuh Donny.

Sementara jika kita mengelola server, lalu ada layanan user generated content seperti forum, blog, dan lainnya dan entah bagaimana ada konten yang melanggar hak cipta. Itu pihak di AS bisa minta agar server kita tidak bisa diakses dari Negeri Paman Sam.

"Alhasil, kita kehilangan trafik dan lainnya. Termasuk kehilangan pemasukan, misalnya dari iklan adsense," ia menandaskan.

Dilansir Venture Beat, SOPA dijabarkan nantinya memperbolehkan pemerintah AS dan perusahaan pemegang hak cipta untuk menargetkan situs asing alias dari luar AS yang dianggap melakukan pelanggaran, pembajakan atau pemalsuan kekayaan intelektual.

Contohnya, jika ada website yang dituding memiliki konten ilegal yang melanggar hak cipta (termasuk di antaranya lagu, gambar, video klip, dan lainnya), maka situs tersebut dapat diblokir oleh ISP di AS, tak dicantumkan dari mesin pencarian, dan bahkan dihadang untuk menjalankan bisnis online dengan penyedia jasa pembayaran seperti PayPal.

Tak pelak, melihat berbagai kemungkinan yang bisa dilakukannya, banyak pihak yang mengkhawatirkan implementasi dari UU ini. Sebab secara drastis akan mengubah cara internet beroperasi.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Forex Trading Software Plug-in Averages 500 Pips A Month (view mobile)

One Day Swing Trades is a power piece of software that plugs right into your trading platform and allows you to trade these highly lucrative Forex pairs: the GBPUSD, the USDJPY, the EURUSD, the USDCHF, and the EURGBP. This software gives you exact entries, targets and stops so you don’t have to do a thing but follow directions and manage your trade – it’s that easy!

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The Story Of of James Connelly A.K.A. The Penny Stock Prophet

Article by Jeffrey Scott:

If you haven't yet heard of James Connelly, it's probably because he is more commonly known by his nickname, "The Penny Stock Prophet," given to him by his peers due to his uncanny ability to discover "breakout" penny stocks just days before they experience RECORD gains.
In the last 12 months, Connelly A.K.A "The Penny Stock Prophet" has become an internet sensation due to his stock picking strategy, that has changed the lives of hundreds of his followers.
As a 19 year-old college student, Connelly excelled in his studies. In his own words, "School was just something that always came naturally for me. It was too easy, and over time I just started to lose interest. I wanted something different, I needed to find something else to challenge me. That's when I decide to turn to trading stocks."
Connelly always had an interest in the stock market, even at a young age. When he was still a teenager, Connelly's father taught him how to read charts, and quarterly earnings reports. "My dad even got me a subscription to the Wall Street Journal for my 16th birthday, " says Connelly.
Having an understanding of the fundamentals of the market, at such a young age, was advantageous to Connelly's eventual future as an investor. The prospect of riches, and the unlimited possibilities that the stock market offered, soon began to recapture Connelly's imagination.
"The stock market to me was just a big puzzle. It fascinated me. I felt that if I could figure out the pieces to that puzzle, I could develop a strategy that would give me a huge advantage over other traders," Says Connelly, "I knew it would take a lot of trial and error, but I was convinced I could develop a method that would give me an edge in finding the next breakout stock."
On a whim, Connelly opened his first trading account his freshman year in college. "Initially, it started off has just a hobby. I wanted to learn the process, and start small. Once I figured out a strategy that could win consistently, then it was time to turn it up a notch."

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to register

How to List Marketiva:
1. click the link Marketiva
2. Click on Open Account
3. Fill in all fields marked *
4. Username: select the name or call you a unique because it is later used for chatting with other members of Marketiva.
5. Password: fill in at least 8 characters, combined with numbers.
6. First Name: your first name.
7. Midle Initial: Your middle name initials if you've got.
8. Last Name: Your last name.
9. Street Address: fill in your address in accordance with your ID.
10. City: your city name on the ID.
11. ZIP / Postal Code: Zip Code.
12. State: provinces that you occupy.
13. Country: Choose Indonesia.
14. Phone: enter phone no home or HP are still active.
15. E-mail: fill in your email address is still active and there is often used, because each confirmation and notification will be sent to the e-mail address that you entered now.
16. After completing his form, click "Continue". both form and content